Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The 'Steve Jobs Of China' Is Actually Beating Apple In China

The 'Steve Jobs Of China' Is Actually Beating Apple In China
The western press likes to call Xiaomi founder and CEO Lei Jun the "Steve Jobs of China" because he wears black t-shirt and jeans, his company sells smartphones, and Xiaomi marketing looks a lot like Apple marketing.
But suddenly, Xiaomi is beating Apple in China.
During the second quarter, Xiaomi shipped 4.4 million phones to Apple's 4.3 million.  Those figures are according to Canalys.
One the one hand, that's impressive, considering Xiaomi only launched in 2011 – two years after Apple began selling the iPhone in China.
On the other, Xiaomi should be outselling Apple in China. It's phones are much, much cheaper. Xiaomi sells them at a discount and hopes to make its money back through e-commerce and selling services.
Here's a look at the smartphone market as it currently stands in China, according to Canalys. Look at Apple, way down at the bottom…

apple china chart    
Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-steve-jobs-of-china-is-actually-beating-apple-in-china-2013-8#ixzz2uz2qeiBx

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