Saturday, March 1, 2014

Red Flags Raised Over Toyota Defects Class Action Settlement

$1.6 Billion Toyota Sudden Acceleration Class Action Settlement Tried to Blame Drivers


Red flags are being raised over Toyota’s $1.6 billion settlement of a class action lawsuit alleging that the company covered up defects in its electronic throttle control system.
The Toyota vehicles in question have been plagued with sudden acceleration problems that have led to numerous deaths and injuries.
The settlement ostensibly addresses the loss of economic value to 22 million Toyota vehicle owners.
But objectors had to hammer away at both class action and Toyota counsel who at first wanted to direct what could be more than $100 million in unclaimed funds to a research and education fund that would have focused on driver error instead of defects in the electronic control systems.
Clarence Ditlow of The Center for Auto Safety objected to this provision, saying it would strengthen Toyota’s original contention that drivers were to blame for the accidents, not the cars’ electronic control systems.


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